Senin, 02 November 2009
Teflin ke - 52
By: Iim Rogayah Danasaputra
Scollon (1995), Hinkel (1999),
- forms of speech acts, rhetorical structure of text, social organizations and knowledge constructs,
- sometimes identified with notion of personal space, appropriate gestures, time, etc.
Hamied (1999)
- intricately interwoven,
- an ingrained set of behaviours and modes of
- a language is a part of a culture,
- the acquisition of a second language = the acquisition of a second culture,
- need to learn to perceive those differences, to appreciate them, and above all to respect, value, and prize the individuality of every human being.
1. the impacts of culture on language mastery:
Boas (1911), Sapir (1921, 1961),
2. the connections between language and culture: the 1960s and the 1970s
3. manifestations of culture in the second and foreign language teaching and learning:
Rosaldo (1984), Thomas (1983,1984),
4. culture and language are inseparable and constitute “a single universe or domain of experience”
Byram and Morgan (1994), Hymes (1996)
5. the effects of cultures on advanced and proficient nonnative speakers:
a. Saville-Troike (1989:26), Scollon & Scollon (1995): explicit instruction of adults and attempts to speak “like a native” cannot take the place of the socialization process.
b. Barro et al. (1993), Byram (1989) and Kramsch (1993a): That conceptualization of socio-cultural frameworks and the structure of L1 beliefs, knowledge, presuppositions and behaviors remain predominantly first culture-bound.
c. Byram and Morgan (1994): “learners cannot simply shake off their culture and step into another----their culture is a part of themselves and created them as social beings…….Learners are committed to their culture and to deny any part of it is to deny something within their own being”.
d. Fadoeli (2003): “To be the standard may take a lot of time to speak. Although learners have lived in
e. others: to be like native can be acquired well and effectively if learners live in the country where the language becomes L1.
1. Subjects. 90:22 Indonesian presenters
The 51st Teflin International Conference hosted by STBA YAPARI ABA Bandung, held at Hotel Panghegar Bandung on 21-23 October 2003.
2. Materials and Procedure.
Tillitt & Bruder (1985) and Sarumpaet (1986):
a. how to apologize, when to apologize, and how to respond to an apology;
b. how to thank, when to thank, and how to respond to a thank;
c. how to request, when to request, and how to respond to a request appropriately acceptable in UK/USA, and in
3. Data Analysis:
- listening cassettes several times,
- writing every single words of the presentation of the speakers,
- classifying unacceptable phrases,
- analyzing and taking conclusions.
4. Findings.
a. apologizing
1) 4 respondents: apologizing for making certain noises, asking audience to wait for his preparation, making misspellings, forgetting certain phrases, coughing, or apologizing for nothing,
2) the rest: never utter any words to apologize although they make many improper actions.
b. thanking
all respondents practice this utterance when starting and ending delivering a speech, asking and answering questions, and getting advices.
c. requesting
all respondents practice various kind of requesting utterance when asking the presenter/the audience to give more explanation about something, and asking the audience to give appreciation to the presenter. The forms of requesting are respectively in questions and statements.
1) hurting someone’s feeling or causing a misunderstanding
2) being late or missing a meeting, a class,
3) interrupting a conversation or a meeting,
4) taking someone’s property,
5) telling a secret accidentally,
6) calling someone early in the morning or late at night,
7) dialing the wrong number on the telephone,
8) invading someone’s personal space by bumping or hitting him accidentally,
9) when some person or animal related to them make a social errors,
10) expressing sympathy,
11) not really apologizing
we often do inappropriate actions in front of others like stepping side one’s foot, interrupting others’ speech, and hurting someone’s feeling or causing a misunderstanding.
1) for a gift,
2) for a favor,
3) for an offer of help,
4) For a complement and a wish of success,
5) When asked about their health,
6) For an invitation,
7) When leaving a party or social gathering,
8) For services, such as being waited on in a store or restaurant.
a action which should be done when getting a gift, a help, a favor; however, thanking in Indonesian is rarely said since most family used to eliminate this behavior so that people often forget to thank people. She furthermore says that adult and educated people who often communicate with foreign people have better practiced about it.
- as one of a subclasses of directives imposes or proposes some course of actions or patterns of behaviors and indicate that it should be carried out.
- is governed by the more general addressee-based condition that the speaker must believe that the addressee is able to comply with the directive.
- the form of requesting: questions and statements.
- to our parents, family, or others.
- as a polite order given to others, with a lower/ higher position.
- as a character of a person.
- higher society used to order lower society impolitely, sometimes very rudely,
- The form of a request: questions and statements.
By: Iim Rogayah Danasaputra
International TEFLIN Seminar
6-9 December 2004 in
Culture can become one of the beneficial factors directed to master the four skills of language. Learners can take part more eagerly in conversations as they are discussing about something they know, listening objects used to be dealt with widens learners imagination, reading texts in which they use to live will not become a burden anymore, and so is in presenting ideas which have been familiar with them.
The recent research on Teflin presenters who speak English as the first foreign language however shows the opposite indication, how far culture make Indonesian teachers clumsy in presenting ideas becomes the main interest of this paper.
A. The Background
Studies about culture have never become boring subjects since what we listen what we think, what we say, and what we write cannot be separated from our culture. In short whatever we do deals with our culture. The definitions of cultures itself are as much as fields of inquiry into human societies, groups, systems, behaviors and activities. (Hinkel:1999); furthermore, Scollon (1995) calls it as a “miniaturization of the concept of culture so that researchers study and write about the culture of the school or even the culture of the classroom”. In the explorations and the teaching of language, the term culture has diverse and disparate definitions that deal with forms of speech acts, rhetorical structure of text, social organizations and knowledge constructs. Culture is sometimes identified with notion of personal space, appropriate gestures, time and so on.
Language and culture are intricately interwoven so that one cannot separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture; therefore, in the learning of another language, culture becomes highly important, as an ingrained set of behaviors and modes of perception. As a language is a part of a culture; the acquisition of a second language could in most cases be understood as the acquisition of a second culture. In the process of second learning, to understand cultural differences and to realize that differences really exist between groups and cultures become an important asset for both learners and teachers. Both learners and teachers need to learn to perceive those differences, to appreciate them, and above all to respect, value, and prize the individuality of every human being. (Hamied:1999).
Studies about the impacts of culture on language mastery have been carried out by many experts, started by Boas (1911) who noted the relationship among thought, abstract notions and language, Sapir (1920s) who concluded that a language and the culture cannot be analyzed in isolation, Sapir (1921, 1961) that share systems of beliefs and assumptions which underline their constructions of the world.
In the 1960s and the 1970s some investigations of the connections between language and culture were carried out while in the 1980s research were focused on manifestations of culture in the second and foreign language teaching and learning like Rosaldo (1984) discussing the relation between culture and the individual, and Thomas (1983,1984) talking about sociopragmatic failure, breakdowns in communication.
In the 1990s researchers found out that culture and language are inseparable and constitute “a single universe or domain of experience”. Byram and Morgan (1994) even stated that “it is axiomatic in our view that cultural learning has to take place as an integral part of language learning and vice versa”, and Hymes (1996) similarly called for introducing ethnography and research on influences of culture on language into education.
The discussions about the effects of cultures on advanced and proficient nonnative speakers which becomes the main interest of this paper have ever presented by some experts like Saville-Troike (1989:26) and Scollon & Scollon (1995) who respectively found out that explicit instruction of adults and attempts to speak “like a native” cannot take the place of the socialization process. That conceptualization of socio-cultural frameworks and the structure of L1 beliefs, knowledge, presuppositions and behaviors remain predominantly first culture-bound even for advanced and proficient nonnative speakers was proposed by Barro et al. (1993), Byram (1989) and Kramsch (1993a); furthermore, Byram and Morgan (1994) state that “learners cannot simply shake off their culture and step into another----their culture is a part of themselves and created them as social beings…….Learners are committed to their culture and to deny any part of it is to deny something within their own being”.
The similar comment has ever proposed by Fadoeli (2003) who studied the difficulties of having standard pronunciations of L2. “To be the standard may take a lot of time to speak. Although learners have lived in
For Indonesian people, English is the first foreign language so that its acquisition is much more complex than the second language acquisition (
Second language acquisition refers to all aspects of language that the language learners needs to master; however, the focus of this paper will be on how learners acquire the ability to communicate and started to examine how learners use their knowledge to communicate their ideas and intentions.
B. Communication vs. Speaking
Communication is one’s ability to deliver messages to others through writing, oral and movements. Communication is a process involving the transmission and the reception on symbol electing meaning in the mind of the participant. Communication also involves understanding and appropriate use of verbal and non verbal behaviors.
The use of language in communication is among others done through reading, listening, writing and speaking. Speaking is a communication process between two people (Speaker and Hearer) where the hearer gives the speaker a feedback as to whether or not the former understands what the speaker says. In this way the speaker can revise what he has said and tries to communicate his intended meaning. Speaking which is learned by all human being is usually acquired since they are born. Speaking also refers to one’s ability to express ideas in words with no attention whether others understand or not.(Bower: 1982). This ability to speak needs a long process in which learners can acquire it through subconscious ways or imitation process. Speaking ability as an effective oral expression is influenced by 3 factors, the speech skill, the control voice in matter of audibility, flexibility and quality, and the use of intonation and suitable phrases tempo.
Furthermore Eric Digest says that speaking skills are critical for competent oral expression. Such skill includes the ability to ask clarifying and extending questions, expressing generalizations discovered through investigation and debate, persuade, initiate and sustain conversations. Other important skills include presenting feelings, emotion, sharing and exchanging ideas, opinions, giving directions and criticizing oral presentations.
Some learners especially Indonesian learners of English often get some constrains in mastering speaking due to the effects of :(1)mother tongue interference, as their source of reference to transfer in ad hoc manner the elements of the Indonesian into the second language as a way out of overcoming their limitation in the target language. (Weinrich in Penalosa, 1981:110, Richard, 1971:118, Tarigan, 1990:16, Sunarti (2003:3 who found out the level of inferences in senior high schools reaching 37,04% for incomplete structure, 28,38% for coherence, 18,50% for word order, and 16,05% for tenses; (2) cultural block, (3) inhibition, a kind of worry to make mistakes, fearful of criticism or long fuse and shyness, and (5) limited topic due to lack of reading books or other printed materials.
On the contrary, advanced and proficient nonnative speakers as well as teachers as the real models of students should have definitely passes through the process of mastering English proposed by Oshi (1998) concerning (1) talking a lot without worrying too much about mistakes, and English structure, participating in every opportune, having a high motivation, producing acceptable level dialogues, making a careful preparation to give lightly control as prier practices of exponent of one or more functions which should be presented and the students given sufficient controlled practice, doing pre teaching vocabulary so that students can work smoothly without being interrupted to find difficult words, giving clear instructions so that students can know what they must do in the class, and giving a good demonstration either by the teacher or by good students.
How far those theories mentioned above are applied by some learners of EFL and what kind of red lines found in both languages becomes the main interest of the research being carried out at STBA YAPARI ABA BANDUNG.
C. The Study
1. Subjects. With a relatively small sample of 46 EFL learners, of which only 18 were analyzable, the study reported here is trying to find out EFL learners’ usage of certain phrases. The subjects representing some Indonesian presenters of The 51st Teflin International Conference hosted by STBA YAPARI ABA Bandung, held at Hotel Panghegar Bandung on 21-23 October 2003.
2. Materials and Procedure. The study explored the learners’ learning characteristics in speaking especially using an instrument written by Tillitt & Bruder (1985) and Sarumpaet (1986). The learning-characteristics instrument shows how to apologize, when to apologize, and how to respond to an apology; how to thank, when to thank, and how to respond to a thank, how to request, when to request, and how to respond to a request appropriately acceptable in UK/USA, and in
3. Data Analysis. As to the learning characteristics, data were analyzed following several steps: listening cassettes several times, writing every single words of the presentation of the speakers, classifying every unacceptable phrases, and taking conclusions.
4. Findings. Data concerning learning characteristics have shown that the way of speaking English of some Indonesian speakers cannot still eliminate some aspects of Indonesian culture. The unacceptable phrases done by them cover the way how to apologize, how to thank, how to request, and how to express some ideas.
5. Discussions.
The research has found out that there is a red line between English culture and Indonesian culture. The words of red line refers to the similarities of action or habitual actions that can be found in both cultures concerning about how to apologize, when to apologize, and how to respond to an apology; how to thank, when to thank, and how to respond to a thank, how to request, when to request, and how to respond to a request appropriately acceptable in UK/USA, and in Indonesia.
a. Apologizing
Tillitt and Bruder (1985) states that we apologize if we have violated a social rule or have done something that hurts or inconveniences another person. The function of the apology is to show regret for the wrongdoing and to offer an explanation or a remedy.
Apologies vary depending on the formality of the situation, the relationship between the two people and the seriousness of the mistake. The more serious the error, the more elaborate the apology should be.
There are five possible parts to an apology:
10) Formal expression of regret as in: I’m sorry,” “I didn’t mean to.”
11) explanation (excuse) which shows why the mistakes occurred,
12) offer to remedy the situation if some damage has been done or a remedy is possible,
13) assurance that the mistake will not be repeated,
14) Admission of guilt which shows that the person apologizing accepts the blame.
The phrases of apologizing can be found in appendix 1
There are many different situations that require an apology, but they all have something in common: something undesirable or uncomfortable has happened. Americans apologize for:
1) hurting someone’s feeling or causing a misunderstanding,
2) being late or missing a meeting, a class,
3) interrupting a conversation or a meeting,
4) taking someone’s property,
5) telling a secret accidentally,
15) calling someone early in the morning or late at night,
16) dialing the wrong number on the telephone,
17) invading someone’s personal space by bumping or hitting him accidentally,
18) when some person or animal related to them make a social errors,
10) expressing sympathy,
11) not really apologizing
Sarumpaet (1986) states that apologizing must often be said by us since we often do inappropriate actions in front of others like stepping side one’s foot, interrupting others’ speech, and hurting someone’s feeling or causing a misunderstanding.
The data shows that there are only four respondents who apologize for making certain noises, asking audience to wait for his preparation, making misspellings, forgetting certain phrases, coughing, or apologizing for nothing. Some respondents even never utter any apologize although they make many impolite actions. This fact supports the assumption that Indonesian people are still no familiar with that habit.
b. Thanking
Tillitt and Bruder (1985:37) state that we thank someone for:
9) for a gift,
10) for a favor,
11) for an offer of help,
12) For a complement and a wish of success,
13) When asked about their health,
14) For an invitation,
15) When leaving a party or social gathering,
16) For services, such as being waited on in a store or restaurant.
Sarumpaet (1986) defines thanking is a action which should be done when getting a gift, a help, a favor; however, thanking in Indonesian is rarely said since most family used to eliminate this behavior so that people often forget to thank people. She furthermore says that adult and educated people who often communicate with foreign people have better practiced about it.
The data shows that all respondents practice this utterance when starting and ending delivering a speech, asking and answering questions, and getting advices.
c. Requesting
Lyons (1983) states that requests is as one of a subclasses of directives imposes or proposes some course of actions or patterns of behaviors and indicate that it should be carried out; furthermore, he says that requests is governed by the more general addressee-based condition that the speaker must believe that the addressee is able to comply with the directive.
Concerning about the forms the expert proposes two kinds of requesting in questions and statements.
Sarumpaet says that we often ask a request purposely to our parents, family, or others. A request actually is a polite order given to others, with either a lower or higher position. A request reflects a character of a person. Higher society used to order lower society impolitely, sometimes very rudely; however, this is rarely found anymore. The form of a request can be stated in a statement like “bolehkah kau antarkan
The date shows that all respondents practice various kind of requesting utterance when asking the presenter/audience to give more explanation about something, and asking the audience to give appreciation to the presenter. The forms of requesting are respectively in questions and statements.
d. Expressing other ideas
From the data shows it can also be found that there two kinds of mistakes made by respondents in expressing ideas:
1) expressing ideas in unacceptable structures of English covering the usage of tenses, articles, relative clauses, and others.
2) expressing ideas in Indonesian structure. It means that their verb patterns of English are correct, but semantically it cannot accepted.
6. Conclusions
From this analysis we can conclude that using language well is not a simple question of grammatically but one of overall appropriacy and acceptability and that one’s cultural environment has a direct effect on one’s study of language and culture. The activities in various international seminars can give a great influence on the level of understanding and mastering of the target language culture. The longer one practices, the better their mastery of the target language skills will be. It is also true that the longer one is involved in study activities, the more one’s own culture will be influenced by the culture of the target language.
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Appendix: 1
Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about | That’s quite all right |
Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about | I understand completely |
Please accept my apologies for | You really don’t have anything |
Please accept my apologies for | You really don’t have anything to apologize for |
Please excuse ( my dog ). | You don’t need to apologize |
I would like to apologize for | I wouldn’t worry about it if were you |
I apologize for | Oh that’s all right. It can happen to anyone |
I apologize for | It’s not your fault |
I apologize for | Oh, well that’s life |
I am so/very/terribly/awfully sorry | Never mind |
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to | Don’t worry about it |
Oh no! Did I do that? I’m sorry. | That’s OK |
Oh! Sorry! | It’s OK |
Sorry about that. | No Problem |
Oops. | Forget it |
Appendix: 2
It’s really very kind of you | You’re quite welcome |
That’s/it’s kind of you | You’re quite welcome |
I’m very grateful for | You’re very welcome |
I’m very grateful for | You’re quite welcome |
I’m so grateful for | You’re entirely welcome |
Thank you very much for | Don’t mention it |
Thank you so much for | You’re welcome |
Thank you for | It was my pleasure |
That was nice of you. Thank you. | Don’t mention it |
That was nice of you | You’re welcome |
Thank you. But you really shouldn’t have. | Well, I just wanted to show my appreciation for |
I don’t know how to thank you | |
They’re beautiful! but you didn’t need to ( give me anything ) | But I wanted to |
Thanks a lot for | You’re welcome |
I really appreciate ( the invitation ) | Sure |
You are kind | |
How kind of you | |
I’m much obliged | |
Thanks! | It was nothing. What are friends for? |
I thank you for …….. | |
Thanks a million! | Don’t worry about it |
Thanks a million! | Forget it |
Many thanks | |
Thanks awfully | |
Expressing thanks for a failed attempt | Response |
Thank you for trying | I’m sorry it didn’t work out |
I appreciate your help, any way | Perhaps you’ll have better luck next time |
Thank you very much for your efforts. | |
Thanks, anyway | Sorry it didn’t work out |
Thanks a lot for trying, at least | Sure. Too bad it didn’t work. |
Appendix: 3
Could you……….. (please) | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
Would you……….. (please) | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
Will you ……………..(please) | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
Do you mind …….-ing | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
Would you mind …….-ing | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
Will you be so kind as to …….. | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
Would you be so kind as to …….. | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
I wonder if I…… | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
I would be grateful if …. | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
You could …….. | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
Dou you think | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
I’m not sure I | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
If you could ----I would be very grateful | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
I would be very grateful, if you could….. | Yes, of course/certainly/all right/Ok |
I hope you don’t mind my asking, but… | |
I’m sorry to trouble you, but….. | |
| |
Appendix: 4
| standard for apologizing | ||||||||||
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Specific, oh sorry, divine and general. | 1 | | | | | | | | | | |
I am sorry. | | | | | | | | | | | 1 |
I have been used to saying class and class. I beg your pardon. * | ? | | | | | | | | | | ? |
I am sorry I didn’t make myself clear. | 1 | | | | | | | | | | |
I beg your pardon, but I have to admit that I could hardly follow your presentation * | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
Anth…., Antoni, sorry | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
I’m sorry if my presentation is not good enough.* | | | | | | | | | | | ? |
What’s it? Sorry. | | | | | | | | | | | ? |
I’m sorry. Your presentation is I think is very quick * | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
I try to present to you in a very short time what I am sorry to say * | | | | | | | | | | | ? |
Thank you and sorry | | | | | | | | | | | ? |
Sorry, I don’t mean to undermine him | 1 | | | | | | | | | | |
*…….sorry……….. | | | | | | | | | | | 1 |
How can listening can be standard? Sorry about this. | 1 | | | | | | | | | | |
It is often …..sorry happens…….* | | | | | | | | | | | 1 |
Let’s say thick one ….sorry about that……for it stand | | | | | | | | | | | 1 |
I would like to apologize if I have to say this | 1 | | | | | | | | | | |
And I should apologize to ibu……* | 1 | | | | | | | | | | |
Sorry for my ..(mispelling words)* | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
Sorry since it is limited, no more pages.* | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
I am sorry, time is up. | | | 1 | | | | | | | | |
Ok I’m sorry | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
I am sorry, would you please stop | | | 1 | | | | | | | | |
Ok, sorry….sorry there are other questions* | | | 1 | | | | | | | | |
Sorry, for this* | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
Sorry this is mistyped | 1 | | | | | | | | | | |
*I’m sorry to remind pak…that time is up | | | 1 | | | | | | | | |
I got the occupation myself, sorry* | | | | | | | | | | | 1 |
Sorry because the limitation of time* | ? | | | | | | | | | | |
I’m sorry I haven’t ….. can I …. | | | 1 | | | | | | | | |
Oh sorry, ok I’m sorry I haven’t come to the suggestions | | | 1 | | | | | | | | |
Appendix: 5
Thanking people
| standard for thanking | |||||||
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
I thank you so much to ibu……* | | | | | | | | |
Ok, thank you to the gentleman* | | | | | | | | |
*thank you so much | | | | | | | | |
*thanks | | | | | | | | |
*Thank you for the opportunity given to me | | | | | | | | |
I thanked pak..for the presentation and discussion* | | | | | | | | |
I thanked all the ladies and and gentlemen for the participation* | | | | | | | | |
*I am very thankful* | | | | | | | | |
Thank you to ibu----* | | | | | | | | |
Thank you so much * | | | | | | | | |
Thank you for the time’s going to me* | | | | | | | | |
Thank you and sorry* | | | | | | | | |
*Ok. Thank you | | | | | | | | |
*Thank you | | | | | | | | |
Thanks for a good illustration | | | | | | | | |
*Thank you very much | | | | | | | | |
Thank you that you have created….. | | | | | | | | |
Thank you very much for the question | | | | | | | | |
Thank you very much for the responses | | | | | | | | |
Ok, thank you for using the time effectively | | | | | | | | |
Thank you for your attention | 1 | | | | | | | |
Thank you for listening | 1 | | | | | | | |
| standard for requesting | |
| statement | question |
I would like to ask for your suggestion in the problem that I also this is the experience based experience | 1 | |
Can I show some slight to show | | 1 |
I would like to invite some questions from the audience here | 1 | |
I would like to invite for participant to give to ask some question | 1 | |
I would like to have explanation about | 1 | |
Please give me some more addition information later, if I’m wrong | | 1 |
*Would you please give a big hand | | 1 |
Would you please….. we can answer it directly | | 1 |
Would you give me more details about …… | | 1 |
Would you give to explain more about …… | | 1 |
May be you can show it to me your transparancy | | 1 |
Can you give me the example of that | | 1 |
Would you give big hand to our two speakers | | 1 |
Would you like to answer the question right away or second question first | | 1 |
*Please mention your name and…… | | 1 |
I would like to ask for your suggestion about it | 1 | |
I would like to share with all of you my research | 1 | |
I would like to ask for your suggestion in the problem that I also.. this is the experience based question | 1 | |
So I just ask for your suggestion what should I do dealing with this problem bout it | 1 | |
Would you please make it more specific which stand are we talking about. | | 1 |
Please give your big hands for pak….. | | 1 |
Please say your name and the institution you are from | | 1 |
I think if you don’t mind you can explain all…. | 1 | |
Can I show some slight to show about the technique | | 1 |
You may answer some questions | 1 | |
Would also invite comments | | 1 |
Big hands for both of them | | 1 |
Would you like to read some activities | | 1 |
Expressing Other Ideas
1 | Ibu … her institution is SMUN …. |
2 | He education of background is undergraduate programmer |
3 | Graduated in 1994 and graduate programmer presently |
4 | So I take it. She will be graduating any moment |
5 | Lastly this presenter has a lot of achievements |
6 | Without much to do |
7 | But I am trying to manage my self |
8 | But I still want to show you this transparency |
9 | I give you the best smile of mine |
10 | And also the last is guide lines of evaluating CBC |
11 | But since time is limited |
12 | I have written my notes the reasons why …….. |
13 | First reason because of a theories…………. |
14 | And then _____ and then – and also |
15 | Whether the aims of the course book correspondence closely with the aims |
16 | If I make continue to the last |
17 | Whether the writing activities suitable in terms of |
18 | It means that in the topics men and women are discussed |
19 | Learners will be more enjoyable through the test books |
20 | What I am _____ is very much similar to what |
21 | I’m gonna display what I’am gonna to say |
22 | Probably what makes it a little bit different is the content is on SMA |
23 | That’s because it happen that I’m in the university circle |
24 | All those books is landed on my desk |
25 | There are some people might want to think of the positive side |
26 | I think I need not to explored in detail on |
27 | The criteria it has some what mentioned Ibu …… |
28 | You should also very mind that the course book should take a count of the students needs |
29 | The last one is I have on my transparency |
30 | I think should be more specifically the content. |
31 | But it is was implementing |
32 | When selecting a course book is who are your students |
33 | You might want to look at your SAP |
34 | In module plan is more detail description _____ |
35 | Very often I think every know knows in PS |
36 | There is give me your kind of impressionistic of new |
37 | As I mentioned just now |
38 | How suitable is suitable |
39 | I agree with you totally |
40 | Like I know in |
41 | Most of teachers are just like me |
42 | The percentage are you get of course |
43 | 3 school who that are implementing |
44 | The book cannot be say |
45 | I hope that my answer can meet your what is to say |
46 | It is kind of hard to answer |
47 | You should looking to you |
48 | I guess for that you have some guidelines |
49 | You might have to work in a team of people with some education of background |
50 | How many of you here in a similar position of me in which you are in the capacity of choosing |
51 | I haven’t to be in that position |
52 | Very often we work under short time |
53 | That’s why you want know until later |
54 | From Bapak yang paling depan |
55 | From Ibu back there |
56 | But we can know the pictures of book by reading |
57 | Before I start tell you about what ….. |
58 | Why I have that topic is mine |
59 | In the beginning we appropriate to commenting of ours |
60 | We want, we rushing at actually we need to go into more detail analysis |
61 | Application of all that we have been getting from -- |
62 | Tenses that actually die hard |
63 | Those students cannot use the language still in the academic setting |
64 | They master language fully |
65 | Their language came on is not that good |
66 | Their grammar is not that good |
67 | But in life is about choosing |
68 | Making us stay balance |
69 | Not stay divided |
70 | We stay in between |
71 | We can build competences within our students self to be able to perform later |
72 | Now too kind of stimulate you further in to these topic |
73 | How are you to teach these topics |
74 | These is specially so when linguistic forms are more important than topics |
75 | We give an example like that of how all those linguistic forms are to be used |
76 | Give examples is very important |
77 | We have shown them away by given them examples to follow |
78 | Open example the expected language that they have to produce and something like this |
79 | That they need to later talk about the topic |
80 | It is something like this |
81 | So I am bad at managing my time my self |
82 | As the students to explain about his family changing norms aspect |
83 | Since time is up so I hope that ---------- |
84 | Give a big hand |
85 | Just to interest you |
86 | If you can imagine that when we talk about …..?? |
87 | But here just like to introduce some ideas about standards |
88 | First I like start with the our ……? system and then so that may be we have some ideas |
89 | I will taking about education |
90 | They are people had afferent ideas about this term |
92 | Your applying your method is very small cases |
94 | If the class is that big |
95 | If this strategy is to be effective to be implemented in the class |
96 | We have like 20 to 25 max in each class |
97 | We have like 7 supervisor |
98 | I supervisor like to teaches |
99 | That is why now changing its curriculum |
100 | We are heading what’s called |
101 | ______ topics broken into sub topics with all the linguistic components |
102 | Without us having to tell teachers what to do so that means that now I am a head of |
103 | So maybe I name it differently |
104 | It is not that I name it differently intentionally |
106 | Becoming as a foreign language teacher |
107 | We have to be careful about the time |
108 | To what level your sharing can be applied |
109 | And to be answer that |
111 | I don’t think I can suggest as to how |
112 | So given the fact that the institution ….?? able them to be able to do that |
113 | As to whether as not it can be applied at all schools I am not sure about it |
114 | I don’t think at this one I can suggest even something |
115 | I am not experience |
116 | It’s in line with then I mean it has it is place there |
118 | It is not appropriate |
119 | And then after that continue to |
122 | Then to this problems I try to offer solutions |
123 | Of our nation of our country |
124 | In fact from the study from Colman |
125 | And in even in other department it on …..??? …?? Close their students graduating |
126 | Even within in one institution |
127 | It is up to difficulty of the department |
128 | I give you the best smile of mine |
129 | You give me the best smile of you |
130 | *And also the last |
131 | Learners will more enjoyable |
132 | I’m gonna display what I’m gonna say |
133 | That is because it happen that I’m in the university circle |
134 | As I mentioned just now |
135 | How suitable is suitable |
136 | I agree with you totally |
137 | Very often we work under short time |
138 | From ibu back there |
140 | Just to interest you |
141 | 3 rd category of the problem consist the student |
142 | Now with the student very you know discouraging |
143 | How can we teach a communicate way of English use |
144 | This is to make it worse, but rather base of |
145 | So students in one English class |
146 | Teacher have to make own material with on their individual profession taking out their own pocket money |
147 | The nature of reading ______ is the efficient of reading skills |
148 | Whatever they read for producing academic type of writing |
149 | It just a replication of reservation of ways of teaching reading in SMU |
150 | But this is become problems |
151 | All complain of the way reading instruction is carried out |
152 | Teaching reading in university is need more satisfaction than judge whatever ________ |
153 | Why independent reader |
154 | Because of the text in the academic test that they perform in order to be able successful in their academic life |
155 | There is by exploiting or training the community |
156 | Strategies |
157 | Which close to college level |
158 | In helping to overcome |
159 | I got no word |
160 | It is the small study skill |
161 | I did very recently |
162 | I would concentrated here actually |
163 | I don’t care very much on introducing or may be telling you various |
164 | And what do the result was |
165 | Were is based is develop of my reservation |
166 | This is supported to be creating |
167 | the most common of the prosperous of the close produce is to _________ |
168 | When the global objective test is broken up to the contextual objective in close test is no question |
169 | The content of the test is made similar as possible to the contain of the course |
170 | I should that told you that the test user _________ |
171 | The timing one item is allocated one minute |
172 | We got the students great in their interpretation |
173 | That the validity the test |
174 | There are four kind of validity examine |
177 | If you know our class |
178 | So what do you know now so that you know if you |
179 | What is your tactic so that |
181 | I think if you don’t mind |
182 | It is very few audience here |
183 | Why you think that all the close test should be used for all skills all together |
186 | Vocabulary language structure almost no problems |
187 | What did you do is very difficult |
188 | We have could change basically |
189 | I’d love to be relax after a long archer deal |
191 | If I may say away |
192 | Academic standard is such as like explants levels of academic attempt |
193 | I would like to also answer the 2nd question |
194 | How to make encourage student |
195 | The reading two teacher them selves |
196 | I face on the action result of themselves of my action result |
197 | They open at teach them speaking skill |
198 | There are about 27 ask me to teach speaking |
199 | Here is very easy |
200 | It seem that we can also get speaking but also I teach reading |
201 | They always complaining |
203 | Process by students for development in English |
204 | By the teacher it self |
205 | And also |
206 | To say it more smoothly |
207 | But it also |
210 | Here it means |
211 | It is over all of kind of my topic |
212 | It is out stock here to say |
213 | Lead guide them to the forget |
214 | Become rich in vocabulary |
215 | Why you do that |
216 | I observe behaves high school class |
217 | The teacher answer directly of keep him read it is text pick him just to get from out side clue |
218 | If students make pronunciation they seek they teacher directly corrected |
219 | What is the job of the teacher is |
220 | In way of the short time |
221 | They run after clock |
222 | Just doing the push reading text |
223 | How we do with this |
224 | I should keep the model and then guiding ______ |
225 | Have to find learners weakness |
226 | I could to the conclusion |
227 | And this step get it |
228 | Because the clue is only one or two positive complaining people |
229 | It do it certain purpose |
230 | And then they become confuse |
231 | It is so practicing guessing the meaning from context improving reading skill and strategies |
232 | And also learners can to describes meaning words not translation |
233 | And suggestion is teach it in high school |
234 | It nonsense word is repressing real word |
235 | My topic is has been a hot issue |
236 | I would like to discuss _____ and what to evaluate |
237 | So that the educational problem but it should be standardize |
238 | Easy that in CBC I can see that they will be less what quite slow when be learning English |
239 | Because why ? |
240 | This 4 countries have easy third people |
241 | Our learners to be able to compete a later |
242 | Academic skill is means that __ |
243 | But beside |
244 | In this case as the teacher here may for example work together |
245 | Subject what |
246 | A teacher _______ than easy that the result |
247 | Also like that computer learners here |
248 | Technology is quite behind |
249 | Students here are quite with |
250 | Like what choice, like reading is fix to be a lesson pronunciation and intonation |
251 | Maybe since have difficulted to read begin blind |
252 | So consequently that teach school ____________ |
253 | Student must get pass credit |
254 | ________ make governor but they are still on the spot easy |
255 | They mean always be in the same learning face _______ |
256 | Test here are followed from day to day |
257 | People poor in the remote be _______ |
258 | Suddenly that I work has turned everyone neighborhood |
259 | Mount of them make good effect |
260 | Despite of materialism as well as to be destruct the environment |
261 | We are suggestion to be important to attention and to presentation |
262 | They have to critical recharge |
263 | Relation with that _______ relation to their exposure |
264 | The new problem for our students because to understand |
265 | The habit of reading is not interest in our culture |
266 | While on the other hands |
267 | We have been wrongly taught about the art of reading should be more to understand |
268 | How to prediction out come not merely about comprehensive |
269 | _____ on reading school __ include |
270 | _____ think to find it very difficult |
271 | In relation with this must prepare and talent the student to be more critically attest |
272 | Reason why the literature on topic today is because of literature is of human way is represent |
273 | One yet here are the one to always active |
274 | It is not good atmosphere inside of the literature class |
275 | So before we have pay several attention about how actually excited students |
276 | This is a different statement that is ____ is indeed ways |
277 | Vocabulary and language structure almost no problem |
279 | I am here not going to talk |
280 | Let’s be |
281 | Like for example |
282 | Then applied into the inside come into existence principal |
283 | _______ by to extend followed |
284 | It was concern with the respondent behavior |
285 | From this texts come to the definitions |
286 | That is learning is a change in behavior |
287 | That is have emotion and feeling |
289 | A said my time 12 m |
290 | You have very familiar with |
291 | I’d like activity based approach very much |
292 | So anybody who can answer my questions |
293 | The completed of my transparent |
294 | They are going and help the lower classmate at the same time |
295 | How can we help the students if we got the self assessment? |